
Articulação SUL’s mission is to promote and support South-South cooperation initiatives aimed at building more just, equitable and sustainable societies; and to contribute to an international system committed to socio-cultural diversity and the emergence of alternative development paradigms.

We hope to inspire emancipatory policies and practices, through research, public debate and engagement with different actors.


Areas of work

To ensure that South-South Cooperation policies and practices are informed by empirical evidence, we promote research and analysis; monitoring and evaluation of cooperation programs and projects; studies on emancipatory practices; and facilitation of learning processes.

To ensure a broad, diverse and informed public debate on IDC, we support research and analysis dissemination; facilitation of training and discussion spaces; participation and engagement in networks and forums.

Brazil has a rich repertoire of knowledge and practices that may constitute a distinctive quality of south-south cooperation, therefore, we support the systematization of experiences and we collaborate with other organizations in their international engagement.

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