The Diverse Voices is a project led by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) which aims to give visibility to creative ideas that depart from the experience of those who live daily with the problems of development in their towns and communities. It is expected from this initiative, stimulate national, regional and international dialogue of people directly involved in actions to develop a better city, so they can contribute to the formulation of policies most suited to their own realities. Articulação SUL was the country convener to this initiative in Brazil.
Centro de Estudos e Articulação da Cooperação Sul-Sul
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 1566 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - CEP: 01255-000 - Telefone + 55 (11) 5643 0702
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 1566 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - CEP: 01255-000 - Telefone + 55 (11) 5643 0702