“Country case studies on South-South Cooperation” on-line book. It includes analyses of South-South cooperation in Argentina, Cuba, Brazil, Kenya, India, Nepal, BRICS and Africa and Nigeria. Published by Reality of Aid and CSOs Partnership for Effective Development. Articulação Sul contributed with the Brazilian chapter. Read here
Read MoreBrazilian South–South Development Cooperation: The Case of the Ministry of Social Development in Africa
The article analyses domestic and external drivers of the rise of South–South development cooperation to a foreign policy priority under the Lula administrations. It argues that the rise was a consequence of presidential leadership, growing domestic mobilisation, shifts in the global political economy and the prioritisation of South–South development cooperation ...
Read MoreHaiti – Um laboratório de engajamento multisetorial
The first edition of Perspectives from the Territory addresses the multifaceted Brazilian engagement in Haiti, from its leadership of the United Nations Peace Operation (MINUSTAH) and its international cooperation for development to the presence of Brazilian civil society organizations and the private sector and the challenges and responses related to ...
Read MoreCivil society’s contribution to South-South cooperation
This project was conducted jointly with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in England and PRIA in India. Researchers and activists cooperated with the project to systematize how civil society contributes to the role of middle-income countries as innovators and providers of cooperation for development. Articulação SUL produced a case study on ...
Read MoreAfrica-Brazil Cooperation in Social Protection: drivers, lessons and shifts in the engagement of the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development (UNU-WIDER)
This paper was produced for the World Institute for Development Economics Research at the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) and aimed to understand the drivers behind the changes in the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger’s (MDS) cooperation with African countries, and also to systematize lessons learned by MDS. In doing so, we ...
Read MoreThe Current State of Debate on International Development Cooperation in Brazil (IDS)
The programme, led by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), is consolidating an evidence base on the role of “emerging countries” in international development, producing new insights and practical guidance for actors engaged in international cooperation. Articulação SUL, in partnership with CEBRAP, held the “Brazilian international cooperation: The state of the ...
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