The article’s main objective is to contribute to the debate about the foreign policy agendas in Brazil, particularly with regard to the International Development Cooperation (IDC) system, in which the Brazilian government and its various agencies have also played an increasing role as a country offering cooperation projects (IPEA, 2010 and 2013). Within the IDC, Brazil traditionally played the role of beneficiary of programs and funding. From the 2000s on, along with the increase in the scale of Brazil’s foreign policy, its role in IDC also changed. Brazil has participated in cooperation programs for development in other middle-income countries and low-income countries since the 1960s. However, it was not until the 2000s that their role has become more dense in quantitative and qualitative terms.
Authors: Carlos Milani, Bianca Suyama and Luara Lopes
Published by Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Brazil, 2013
Read it here. (Portuguese)