Prospects from Territory is a publication from Brazil and the South Observatory which aims contribute with information and analysis about Brazilian international engagement from a territorial perspective seeking to cover the various dimensions of Brazilian presence at Global South. Angola and Brazil: operationalizing the concept of South-South cooperation? – ...
Read MoreArticulating Resistances at Global South: experiences from peasant movements, rural unions and non-governamental organizations
This publication identify and discuss the transnational experiences of Brazilian social actors related to agrarian and agrofood system issues, as peasant movements, rural unions and non-governamental organizations. The following movements and organizations were partners of this process: Farmer Women Movement (MMC), Small Farmer Movement (MPA), National Confederation of Agriculture Workers ...
Read MoreLearning Flexibility: Complexity, Innovation & Inter-Urban Knowledge Transfer
A three year reseach project that applies an interdisciplinary case study approach to examine relationships between current and future urban complexity and vulnerability and innovative solutions that emerge in response. We examine how both infrastructures and institutions are affected by 3 thematic pillars: (i) energy; (ii) governance and participation; and ...
Read MoreInternational social protection policy transfer: emerging issues for Brazilian South-South cooperation
During the last two decades, several developing countries governments began to introduce or enlarge social protection instruments, often incorporating ideas promoted by international actors. Some Brazilian policies have gained prominence in this context and they have been disseminated and transferred to other Southern countries. The paper works with transfer and ...
Read MoreTriangular cooperation in social protection: lessons from Brazil for the 2030 agenda
This paper, commissioned by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), aims to explore the lessons learned through Brazilian TrC in social protection and their potential contribution to the 2030 agenda. The first section of the paper briefly describes the evolution of the social protection debate in development cooperation, followed ...
Read MoreMonitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms for South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Lessons from Brazil for the 2030 Agenda
This paper, commissioned by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), and developed by Articulação Sul, Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas Aplicadas (IPEA), Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI) and BRICS Policy Center (BPC), aims to (a) map out what has been done so far in M&E by the institutions executing ...
Read MoreUNICEF Brazil Trilateral South-South Cooperation: Lessons Learned and Recommendations
This study systematize key lessons from UNICEF Brazil’s experiences and seeks to support knowledge sharing and improve UNICEF’s understanding of the strategic value of SSC. Articulação SUL was hired to: (1) review key UNICEF documents related to their TSSC work; (2) revise and complement sections drafted by UNICEF Brazil; (3) ...
Read MoreBrazil-Africa Cooperation on Food and Nutrition Security: Planting seeds in unfamiliar soil
The current context of development cooperation is characterized by the transition from emergency food aid to efforts to develop national programmes on access to food, redefine the strategies of international organizations and strengthen ties between agriculture, nutrition and social protection – some of them with a focus on building national ...
Read MoreCivil society, BRICS and international development cooperation: perspectives from India, South Africa and Brazil
The chapter explores Brazilian, Indian and South African civil society engagement in South–South development cooperation (SSDC) and in debates of these countries’ roles in BRICS. Despite the apparently more promising engagement environment in the ‘democratic emerging powers’, civil society efforts to achieve effective influence over the SSDC agendas of both ...
Read MoreBrazil as a development partner under Lula and Dilma: Shifts and continuities
The chapter explores, through Foreign Policy Analysis, the shifts and continuities of Brazil’s trajectory as a partner in South–South development cooperation (SSDC) by comparing President Dilma Rousseff’s first administration (2011–14) to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s two presidential terms (2003–10). The paper argues that despite the slowdown of presidential diplomacy, ...
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